The Drawing Collection was established in 1989 upon the impulse of then Galleria Civica director, Flaminio Gualdoni. Over the decades it has stood by some fundamental guidelines: to seek a full documentation of contemporary Italian drawing, with an eye to the quality of the single works and not just the fame of their authors; to build sets of works and documents on important events or personalities in figurative culture from the start of the twentieth century to the present day; to pay attention to local artwork, both from the recent past and the present day; to keep updating the collection with the work of the young generations.The collection, which has grown thanks to purchases but above all thanks to donations, has got to almost 2,000 works today, without counting the various monographic fonds (Ico Parisi, Pompeo Vecchiati, Koki Fregni, Mario Molinari, with works from the historical “Parole sui Muri” event by Fiumalbo) and a graphics fonds (with a sizeable set of works produced by the Associazione per la Diffusione dell'opera artistica in Modena), which brings the total to over 5,000.
The collection boasts the presence of many of the biggest contemporary artists: from older artists such as Morandi, De Pisis, Sironi, Afro, Campigli, Ferrazzi, Pirandello and Carrà, passing through postwar authors such as Lucio Fontana, Scialoja, Morlotti, Accardi, Bendini, Zorio, Spagnulo and Boetti, to exponents of the so-called “middle generation” such as Nunzio, Tirelli, Benati and Vaccari, up to the latest generations with Arienti, Marisaldi, Rudiger, Lanzi, Chiesi and Berruti, it offers an exhaustive ride through Italian art from the first decades of the twentieth century right up to the present day, thanks to artists such as Christian Holstad and Roberto Cuoghi.