auroraMeccanica. Figura

10.09.21 -

The interactive video and multimedia installation created by auroraMeccanica and curated by Francesca Fontana.

Curated by Francesca Fontana
Book a guided tour

The interactive video and multimedia installation created by auroraMeccanica and curated by Francesca Fontana.



FMAV - Palazzo Santa Margherita:
Corso Canalgrande, 103, 41121 Modena

Opening times

Da mercoledì a venerdì ore 11–13 | 16–19 
Sabato, domenica e festivi ore 11-19


biglietto intero 6 € / ridotto 4 € (Circuito Vivaticket)
Ingresso libero ogni mercoledì e nei giorni 17, 18 e 19 settembre in occasione del festivalfilosofia

Information | 
tel. In orario di mostra: 059 2033166

Press office

Responsabile della Comunicazione FMAV 
Santa Nastro 
+39 3201122513

Figura shows the world of picture cards now that the current state of affairs is depicted by Instagram. From today’s “picture cards” – the images that we post on social media every day – the installation extrapolates the hot contemporary topics, comparing them with the paper objects that history has passed down to the museum collection in Modena. The project starts from here to create a projection of around 9 metres, capturing 6 topics linked to the world of the (over)production of images. Figura uses a specially studied algorithm to make a constantly updated selection of the images posted on Instagram. And so the spectator is interactively engaged, as it follows their gaze and the gestures of their hands, exploding, underlining or pointing the lens at the most important details.  


auroraMeccanica was established as an audiovisual production studio in Pisa in 2007 by partners Carlo Riccobono, Roberto Bella and Fabio Alvino. In 2008, the group opened a studio in Turin and concentrated part of their energies on making interactive video installations. As well as producing videos, they also make a lot of art which leads auroraMeccanica to exhibit its works in museums and galleries in Italy and abroad.  Thanks to the experience gained since 2014 in the field of digital art, auroraMeccanica works in interaction design, including interactive museum exhibits.  All of the studio’s projects hinge around the attentive production of multimedia contents, with a particular eye to cultural accessibility and reflection on the relationship between spectator and technology.

Info and bookings
Book a guided tour


FMAV - Palazzo Santa Margherita:
Corso Canalgrande, 103, 41121 Modena

Opening times

Da mercoledì a venerdì ore 11–13 | 16–19 
Sabato, domenica e festivi ore 11-19


biglietto intero 6 € / ridotto 4 € (Circuito Vivaticket)
Ingresso libero ogni mercoledì e nei giorni 17, 18 e 19 settembre in occasione del festivalfilosofia

Information | 
tel. In orario di mostra: 059 2033166

Press office

Responsabile della Comunicazione FMAV 
Santa Nastro 
+39 3201122513

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