Museo della Figurina

Museo della Figurina

Established in 2006, the Museo della Figurina is the only museum of its kind.

In addition to the collection of picture cards under its protection, the FMAV Museo della Figurina assets also include earlier items similar in production technique and function (pocket calendars, advertising materials, matchboxes), taking us on a journey through the history of picture cards and graphics. The museum promotes these assets through exhibitions and events that put the story of picture cards and their descendants in a contemporary key, and through a correlated programme of animated teaching workshops.

Info and bookings
Palazzo Santa Margherita

Corso Canalgrande, 103, 41121 Modena



Tel. in orario di mostra: 059 2032919

Opening times:

Consulta gli orari di apertura aggiornati

Orari mostre temporanee
mercoledì - venerdì 11-16 e 16-19
sabato, domenica e festivi 11-19

Museo della Figurina - Collezione permanente 
dal 28/08 al 3/11/2024 

da mercoledì a domenica, ore 15-19   



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